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库拉索的网络游戏产业于 1993 年合法化。从那时起,财政部长就颁发了网络游戏许可证,负责监督网络游戏行业。2018 年,财政部长责成库拉索博彩控制委员会 (GCB) 监管在线游戏行业,随后 GCB 被任命为在库拉索岛内和来自库拉索岛的所有博彩行业(包括在线游戏行业)的 AML/CFT 主管。

The regulatory body within Curacao's jurisdiction is the Curacao Gaming Control Board. It sets the rules for obtaining the gaming licenses required to conduct an online electronic gambling business in Curacao and oversees the operation of the casino.

Curacao's online gaming industry was legalized in 1993. Since then, the Minister of Finance has issued online gaming licenses and is responsible for overseeing the online gaming industry. In 2018, the Minister of Finance tasked the Curacao Gaming Control Board (GCB) with regulating the online gaming industry, and subsequently the GCB was appointed as the AML/CFT Director for all gaming industries within and from Curacao, including the online gaming industry.


What is a Curacao Gaming Licence?


库拉索大师执照有效期为五年,自 1996 年以来司法部长仅颁发了四份大师执照。




There are two types of licenses:

Curacao Master licenses are valid for five years, and the Attorney General has issued only four master licenses since 1996.

A Curacao sub-license can be resold by the owner of a single master license, and it is valid as long as the master license remains valid. You can no longer apply for a master license because only sub-licenses are currently issued.

Sub-licences permit various gambling activities. One license covers all games, such as online casinos, slot machines, sports betting, esports, lotteries, and games of skill and chance.

The Curacao Gaming License is only available to companies located in Curacao. It is one of the most affordable among established gaming jurisdictions.

Curacao Gaming 牌照有哪些优势?

What are the advantages of a Curacao Gaming license?


Online Curacao is a highly respected form of business form. Formal business is in the business of building a good gaming platform in Curacao, obtaining the necessary Curacao permits and setting up all the banking, payment processing and merchant account farms required for formal gambling operations.


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Requirements for obtaining a Curacao gaming license



If you think Curacao is the best place for a new game company, the next step is to consider the applicable game licensing requirements.

First, there is a standard onboarding process, during which we need to identify who you are, what you plan to do, where you live and where your funding comes from. Curacao authorities will also need to know this information, and more, in order to issue your online gambling license.


In addition to this, they will require proper testing and ensure that you are a person of good character. This includes a police conduct report from your country of origin indicating that you have no criminal record. You will also be asked to provide details about your ability to carry out an online gambling company operation.

每位高级 职员、授权人、股东、董事、实益拥有人或最终实益拥有人必须提供以下文件:

· 经认证的护照复印件*(带照片和签名的页面)

· 公用事业账单的原件或核证副本

· 无犯罪记录证明/无犯罪记录证明

· 简历/简历

· 银行家推荐信原件(关系必须超过 2 年)

· 会计师或律师的专业推荐信原件(关系必须超过 2 年)

· 软件的详细信息,包括软件协议的副本和/或 RNG 应用程序的第 3 方认证及其公平性(如果适用)

· 域名所有权证明

· 条款和条件的副本,其中必须包括未成年人游戏政策、负责任的游戏政策和玩家 KYC 政策。

· 金融经济

· 库拉索岛是加勒比海南部的一个岛国,是世界的一部份荷属加勒比地区。在加勒比语中也叫小安的列斯群岛。

· 群岛:一群岛屿库拉索岛面积约为444平方公里,位于65位于委内瑞拉海岸以北几公里处。在管理上,它目前是一个尼日兰王国的组成国。

· 自1996年以来,curacaa一直在提供iGaming许可证,使该国成为世界上最受欢迎的国家。

· 第一个监管在线赌博的司法管辖区。网上赌博就是其中之一库拉索岛的主要业务。为了成为一款合法的游戏,运营商,公司必须首先获得E-Zone身份,并向E-Zone申请许可证

· 政府。一个被广泛采用的选择是申请知识产权协议,也被称为作为现有许可证持有人之一的子许可证。库拉索岛的游戏执照是1996年首次引进的,当时该岛还是荷兰的一部分

· 安的列斯群岛。这使得库拉索岛成为美国最古老和最知名的司法管辖区之一。

· 全球发行游戏许可证和规范iGaming业务。许多博彩运营商选择库拉索岛注册他们的,网站,由于有利的税法,相对便宜和快速的许可程序作为,以及司法管辖权的认可。库拉索政府的收费仅为2%,从网上赌博业务的净利润中征收的税款,并没有增,游戏行业新进入者面临的巨大障碍。政府或master,如果申请,许可证持有人应授予许可证。

· 库拉索岛 有两种类型的许可证,主许可证和子许可证。

· 与两个许可证都可以经营互联网游戏业务。主license和子license的区别在于,主license可以下发子license,子license不能下发子license。今天,这是可能的获取子许可证。不再颁发主许可证。

· 库拉索游戏许可请有两个主要步骤

· 步骤1 -公司成立

· 为了获得分许可证,我们首先需要成立一家公司,该分许可证将颁发给。公司可以被并入

· 库拉索岛或任何其他司法管辖区。我们发现伯利兹是一个很好的解决方案,如果你决定

· 在库拉索岛以外注册公司。

· 步骤2申请库拉索岛游戏子许可证,一旦公司成立,我们就可以提交分股申请

· 许可证。分许可证每年可更新一次。

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